PVC hexa frame

Hi all,
After a huge delay with Arducopter things I have designed and assembled new crazy hexa frame using PVC water supply parts from local shop
I finished few days ago and make a first little flight in my patio, looking no too stable, but suppose to be small props issue (currently I am using 10” APC), hope after switch to 12 will be more stable.
Final weight is 2.3kg (with 4000mAh lipo) sounds too much, but PVC is a bit heavy. 
Here is some picture
Other pictures you may see in my gallery, just not to bother not interested peoples…

I also made a video of the flight.

10”APC definitely too small for this weight and motors (hover only at 95-100% of throttle)  



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  • I was also thinking that you can still replace the PVC tubes by carbon tubes if you need to gain weight.

    Motor mount and hub are great in PVC :)

  • Great use of PVC

    Have you considered lightening holes in the top and bottom of pvc arms?

    Hole in the middle of the aluminum motor plates both to reduce weight and provide airflow through motors (okay I see in the part photos you do have a hole).

    That central hub looks like it is built like a tank, plenty strong.

    What glue did you use?

  • Nice job ! 

    Do you have an idea of the weight of the empty frame ?

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