PWM/PPM to RS 485 PTZ camera control

Hi Folks,

I intend to use this camera. The cameras controls are on a RS 485 port. Any suggestions on how I could wire up a hack that will enable me to use PPM/PWM radio control to control the camera?

My last resort would be to wire in a relay switch that is directly connected to the buttons on the back side of the camera. 


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  • Hi all! The solution to this problem is simple: here is the scheme of a simple switch The camera is controlled by changing the polarity of the voltage 5 ... 15V contact with С (com)) and Z (zoom). Forus menu should be set to "auto", or you can further control another device such contact with and F. With this switch outputs 1 and 2 are connected to the camera. Polarity is selected, any, depending on your desire. I've already tried a similar camera, everything works. I wish you success.

  • Would also be very interested in a solution. Found someone who said he did it , but forgot how and that the files for that are on his old computer that he doesn't own anymore....:/

    When I bought my zoom camera I didn't know that there  are remote-controllable ones available, too. Now I'm stuck with this great cam without a way to control it via tx.

    Maybe I'll resort to physically switching the buttons via servos now.....

    But if anyone is in the know how to implement a converter, this would be GOLD

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