PX4 analog inputs


I have started some development on APM2.5, which reads information from analogue inputs and according to values it is influencing the flight behaviour. I wanted to upgrade to PX4 FMU or PIXHAWK to have more computing power, but I realized that I am not sure if they have any analogue inputs like the APM. On the APM there is a connector array where can be assigned at least 8 analogue inputs. Currently I am using only 2 of them, but plan was to use at least 4 analogue inputs.

So is there the same possibility to map 6 auxiliary ports of PIXHAWK to analog inputs? Or do I have to use another board to get the analog inputs ((e.g. Arduino mini and transfer it to I2C)?

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  • Admin


    The Pixhawk has two analog inputs plus +5vdc and dc rtn on the ADC3.3vdc connector and one analog input on the ADC6.6vdc connector which is for the analog airspeed sensor.

    Here is the Wiki info on the PX4 analog inputs: Link


    TCIII ArduRover2 Developer

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