Python Script will not run over Xbee

I have run a script while the APM is connected via USB, and the quadcopter responds every time.

But when I run the script over my Xbee Series 1 connection, the console shows that a lot of packets are being lost and sometimes the copter responds, sometimes it doesn't. Has anybody out there faced a similar issue, and if so how did you go about solving it?

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  • Hey edmar,

    Can you help me with one thing? Are you using Linux/windows/Mac OS?? and were you trying out HILS? was it working??

  • The problem here is latency and baud rates. Xbee runs slower and is not truely full duplex. In order to speed up, you need 2 xbee pairs, one connected only for uplink and the other for downlink. This was discussed extensively in the joystick control rather than using RC threads. See here how to use 2 xbees or other radios.



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