QGroundControl vs MissionPlanner

Is anyone using QGroundControl with any APM boards?

I came across QGroundControl and immediately saw that it has several needed features that MissionPlanner doesn't.  Namely 3D google earth views and a more advanced GUI.

Just curious about any experiences.  Besides the obvious jaw-dropping effect of 3D google earth it also presents a more professional interface.  I've been thinking for awhile that it would be hard to display the "Fischer-Price" looking interface of MP in a professional context.

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  • In what kind of a professional context would you be using a Mickey Mouse airplane? http://www.nitroplanes.com/93a300-1400-skytrainer182-red-rtf-24g.html The MP has lots of fans on this site. You're not going to make any friends with posts like this.

    • Agreed that the MP interface is somewhat Mickey Mouse. Would love to see some software usability employed with the UI. It can be quite frustrating to use.

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