Quad overpowered, ...now underpowered?? HELP!


i have built a quad

APM 2.6

4x sunnysky 800kv

4x 11x4.7 props 

4x ESC Mystery 30A

dji 450 (clone)

lipo 11.1 3s 5500mah (brand Floureon)

+ sonar + optflow + 3rd radio

Total weight with GoPro + Gimbal + all of above, including battery: 1.87kg

as you see it quite lightweight...and initially i thought this was a little beast... given the small, light frame.. and first tests proved it had very lot of power... but now after ten days i havent used i got new props sam size, same brand, APC clone, and now my ThrottleOut value in the graph is about 780~800 (!!!) when it used to be just 550~600

could be this an ESC problem (too much A?)?

could be this an props problem (too large?)?

could be this a motors problem (broken? not powerful?) ?

could be this a frame problem (too small) ?


[attaching dataflash log which captures 5 mins of indoor flight]

PS. other note: I was able to fly only 5mins with the Floureon 5500mah lipo 3S.

Screen Shot 2014-08-16 at 1.38.19 PM.png

2014-08-16 13-31-01_59.log

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  • Now this is strange.... Im using a similar setup and am geting upwards of 15mins flight time, thats tested and not calculated!!

    My advice would be to try a 4 cell with 10x4,5 props like me, you might also need to set the throttle mid point on the mission planner. Hovering at the mid point on your tx is important when changing the flight modes.

    Here is my latest project take a look: http://explorer4-quadcopter.atwebpages.com/

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    • Went out flying today. Changes I've made to fight the problem have been making sure TX sends signal between 1000 to 1980+, do a recalibration in APM and also recalibrating ESC's from RX.

      Result was even worse than before. Had difficulties climbing and when battery was at 11V the whole thing would not even hover but sank slowly until it was on the ground. Battery beeper did not even start to beep. After charging my 2200mA batteries I see they only charged about 1100mA meaning half battery unused. Thinking of going to another version of the firmware to see if it would help.

      • why don't make a video of it next time? also showing your setup... maybe somebody can notice something you are involuntarily omitting...

        • Good idea. I can try and do that.

          Thanx for the info about beta, did not know

          • I went out flying today. I went back to my old multiwii board just of curiosity and I had the same problem at first until I found an old "fix" I had made. The pwm signal to motors is highest 1850 by default from user input in multiwii and setting this to 2000 gave the craft a lot of power even with camera on (hard to go over hover with APM). I don't know why these 150 last pulses do this huge difference. Before multiwii I had a KK board that also gave lots of power.

            My conclusion is that for arducopter the platform is too heavy as it needs some space for autocorrection. Changing the thr_max to 2000 did not help. I've ordered two 4S packs and am looking forward to try them out (running 3S now). But until then I'll be flying with my old controller.

      • What version of FW are you running currently?

        • 3.1.5 rc2

          • as mentioned in previous posts in this thread ... downgrade to a stable version of the firmware and test again... 

            You are currently on a beta version

            Also are there any failsafes configured?

            • 3.2 is beta....

              3.15 is the stable one... based on my APM planner...

              • 3.1.5 rc2 was beta before 3.1.5 stable was released .... 

                If he is really running on 3.1.5rc2 ... he should have upgraded to 3.1.5 stable at least...

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