Quadcopter does not have enough lift? Please help!

Hey everyone,

I was wondering if anyone out there could help me out or give me some suggestions to get my quad flying! I have searched and searched and run into a road block. Here are the details:

Frame: 3DR Quad

Motors: 880kv with frame bored out to accept larger motors

Props: 12x45

ESC: Thunderbird 36

APM2 with Sonar

RX/TX: Futaba 7c / R617FS (reserved the throttle control)

Battery: Turnigy 4000 3s 30-40c

Latest Mission Planner and Quad firmware.

I've got a gps lock, ESC calibrated (auto) and the radio calibrated. all props are on correctly, at full throttle in my living room it won't lift off the ground. Any ideas? 

I have brand new bats and just did a full charge thinking that might be the issue. Please and Thanks!

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  •  so does everything work ok now. just wondering as i was thinking of switching to cc thunderbird esc's.

  • Developer

    The ESCs are not the recommended kind because they are not fixed range. Can you reprogram them to not auto-range?

    A Turnigy 4000 is a rather large and heavy battery. You're running the 880kv purple motors from jDrones? Those would be hard pressed to turn a big prop and a heavy quad.


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