QuadCopter Motor Wiring Help

Hi everyone. I am in the process of building my first (over-priced) QuadCopter. I do not understand the motor wiring. I understand motors 1 and 4 rotate their propellers clockwise, while motors 2 and 3 go anticlockwise. But I do not understand the wiring. My motors have three coloured wires (Red, Yellow and Black). The motor controllers have three wires the same colour (blue). I have studied the construction photos and, looking carefully, I am confused as to which is which and what goes where. I have seen other kits where the motor and control wires are all the same colour (black). Am I missing some technical understanding?


I cannot test motor control and rotation, as I am awaiting a battery. My kit from Flycam, Korea, did not come with one.


See photo.


Please help. Would love to meet a friend in this exciting hobby.



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  • you have to wait for the battery :( go through the esc test then see how the motors rotate. If a motor is not rotating the correct way, just exchange any two wires connection to the esc and that motor should turn the proper way after. Just leave the third one alone. Color is not important.

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