
My home made quadcopter suddenly fell down after 50 seconds at second fly.

Before the fall I flew 3 minutes successfully at Alt Hold mode.

After crash I measured battery and it showed 23.74V but at flight log CURRENT:Volt value is 21.71Volt at last log row.

Thanks for any help.


My Quad specs is;

Arm length motor to motor : 80cm

AUW : 3.7kg

Battery: Tattu 16A 6S

Motors : T-Motor Mn4010 - 370KV

ESC: T-Motor S35A 600Hz with SimonK

Gps: 3DR ublox gps

Telemtry: 3DR 433Mhz

Fligth Controller: Pixhawk

Power Module: Dshot® APM 2.5.2 2.6 Current Sensor Power Module


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