Hello,guys, hoping your help.

Not everytime,but frequently after the QuadPlane fly to a certain level(always some meters) in Qloiter mode, ardupilot will slowly decrease the output of RC5/6/7/8,and so plane fall on floor.  3691299718?profile=original



And actually I only fly to 5 meters.But the log show I fly to 18m, that's strange. When i feel ardupilot cutdown my thottle,I change to QHover mode, and plane start to fall. So it shouldn't fly to 18m.


So i think is there any problem about my baro,I check EKF IPD,as below


2016-05-27 15-59-48.rar

2016-05-27 15-58-51.tlog

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  • once posted a problem at discuss.ardupilot.org,but nobody reply//
    You can look it here.
    Have you ever try QuadPlan?

  • I once posted a problem at discuss.ardupilot.org,but nobody reply//

    You can look it here.


    Have you ever try QuadPlan?

  • Has nobody encountered this serious problem?

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