Hi all,
I'm trying to build a quadrotor which visually tracks a ground-based robot using a camera mounted on the bottom of the airframe. I've got the ground robot handled, but I'm looking for suggestions on controlling the quadrotor. I was thinking of using a Raspberry Pi to handle the image processing from the camera. This would then feed attitude commands to the autopilot, which could be a MultiWii, Ardupilot or something else entirely.
Suggestions for hardware to handle the image processing, attitude stabilisation and any interfacing between them are very welcome.
If using a APM... The idea would be to send a velocity vector via mavlink using pymavlink and maybe drone api.
you can see examples at:
or... ask me tomorrow in the office, hehehe
Image processing (take a look here, opencv with python on a raspberry pi): http://aldux.net/blog/drone-color-tracking/
Attitude is handled by the APM/Pixhawk you will have to take care about the position...
I also recommend using a gimbal to avoid lots of errors and false positives.