Quanum Nova fails to arm


I have only managed to fly my new Quanum Nova 5 times. Now it has fails to arm the motors. I have checked both the transmitter & receiver and have noticed that the receiver stops flashing red once the TX is switched on. Have read a few blogs and someone mentioned that he has had the same problem and after several tries it decided to arm itself.

Unfortunately this is not the case with mine. Have opened both TX as well as the Quad, checked all wiring and everything seems to be in order except for one link from the RX to the controller, which seems to be inserted with the -ve and the signal in reverse. Check pic below.

  • Have loaded Mission Planner and confirm that none of the TX controls are showing up when trying to calibrate the TX.
  • Have also found a blog of how to bind or rebind the RX to the TX but all attempts have failed today.
  • (Can anyone clarify which pins should the shorting plug go across?)

Has anyone had similar problems?

Any suggestions - replace the RX or TX or both?



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          • Mmmm.....don't like the sounds of that. I am going to give it a try anyway and at the same time I am going to investigate further around the RTL - RTH mode using MP. I will let you know how I go.

            BTW  you are right about the plastic being weak and flimsy. In order to stiffen the landing gear I filled the bottom sections of the vertical part of the landing gear with hot glue as I noticed the stress on the corner was extreme should you have to land it a little abruptly. Pic attached.

            And in regards to the compass housing, if you find a plastic container such as a plastic pill container etc.. I would rather go with this personally, as most pill boxes are made out of metal rather than tin. I suppose Al. would be OK but it is a lot more work.

            We will see how we go today


      • I have fixed my issue (for now!).  I went into mission planner and checked all the settings - everything appeared to be normal.  But I appeared to be stuck in RTL mode.  The switches changed as expected in TX calibration, but on the flight mode I was stuck in RTL and flicking the switches had no effect.  On the failsafe panel it showed RTL and disarmed.  Eventually I turned off the transmitter, then turned it back on.  Now the flight modes worked - and lo and behold, so did motor arm!  It's possible that I always (other than the first time when I had the nose in the manual) turned on the radio first, then the copter.  I was told to always follow that sequence to avoid accidents.  And it works that way with my Turnigy radio and receiver on another copter.  But here it's backwards (?)  Anyway, I hope that is all it was for me, and perhaps that's your issue also - I hope it's something simple like this

        • Actually this is NOT the whole story.  I looked at a video I shot last week for hobbyking support, and I waited before I turned on the radio - and it did NOT work.  So even though my problem is (temporarily) solved, I don't know how I fixed it.  I'm fairly certain mission planner was involved somehow, and that sequence is important.  I also know that my copter appeared to be stuck in RTL mode and once I got out of that (however I did that...) I was able to arm, and continue to be able to

          • I wonder how it decided to change on its own. I had never connected to Mission Planner till the copter failed to arm. So I am sure that MP never caused this issue. I can also comment that using my spectrum analyzer I noticed a huge difference between the Turnigy TX fitted with an FR sky TX module and the Nova transmitter. The FR sky does frequency hopping, which is a known fact, but the Nova transmitter churns out a strong carrier right on 2.4GHz on switch on in the form of three to four pulses then noting happens after that. So I am suspecting that the TX has failed at this point in time.

            I may just follow through with HK on this matter and see what comes out of the whole thing.

            • I'm sorry if I was less than clear and implied mission planner caused this - it definitely did not in my case!  I only downloaded and installed it yesterday and started looking around, after stumbling across the video I mentioned.  Running the software I did find that my copter seemed stuck in RTL (return to landing).  The controls all seemed to work properly, but the mode did not switch.  And if the copter indeed was somehow stuck in RTL it stands to reason that it would not react to the arm command.  I switched off the transmitter and turned it on again and lo and behold I could switch modes.  I put both switches up and found that it went to manual mode - I tried arming the motor and whoppee - home run!

              • No home run for me Rich, I have tried everything I could of today.

                And by the way, mine is also stuck in RTL mode but no matter how many times I switched the transmitter on and off, it is not return to standard mode.

                I just thought of something which I will try...

  • I have the same issue...  can't arm...  I'll open up mine to check the wiring, would appreciate if you could post some of the links you found e.g. how to bind.  Anything else you learn.  I'll do the same, I'm in the same boat and for a change this thread is not ancient :-)

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