Quanum Nova new release flight processor.

just received a QNOVA from Hobby King and proceeded to tear in down to get to the flight processor for connecting telemetry and or FPV. I have seen many posts about how to solider the connections for the 3DR type telemetry but when I opened my quad up I found connectors installed instead of the solider pads. uART and ADC are obviously the connections but I can't find any discussion about the pin outs or any reference to this type of new board. Any help I can get would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. See attached photos.


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  • I recently obtained a Quanum Nova and subsequently the HKPilot 915 MHz Transceiver set.  I plugged the supplied cable from the transceiver set into the Quanum Nova's UART port on the flight controller and into the radio module and immediately noticed an electrical burning smell.  I disconnected the system.  I noticed your thread here and now I believe the wires were not set up to be used immediately with the Quanum Nova as-is.  Also, the wires unfortunately are only 3 black and 1 red (no yellow or green), so it makes the connections a little confusing unless you are really paying attention to the set-up.  Here is a picture of how the wires are designed and how I originally connected them.  I have a feeling this is incorrect.  Can anyone confirm or deny?


    • Just follow them back from the module, but based on my testing today i suspect that your radio is now toast.. The power is reversed. I searched the internet before i risked connecting. Also, once I had corrected the wiring the radios would not talk till i downloaded and put custom firmware 3.2.1 into the nova, now it works fine.

      Sadly you are arother victim of chinese lack of documentation and any kind of quality control.

      Just need to keep in mind "they ONLY care about your money"

  • Hello I have a question whether it is connected directly Tx and Rx signal from the receiver NOVA (port UART) to the receiver FrSky D8R-II plus (to pin Rx and Tx) or need a converter? I want to have telemetry on the screen radio Turnigy 9XR software TX or er9x mawlink to FrSky

    Thank you for your response

  • We finally got the telemetry working on my friend`s new Quanum Nova/CX-20. The uART socket on the APM board was indeed wired backwards to the plug that came on the Neewer transmitter that came in the 200mw package bought from Emily&Lily on ebay.


    Using a microscope and the tip of an exacto knife we were able to pull the pins from the wiring-harness plug and reinsert them in the required order to get it working.The transmitter board was clearly marked and using the picture in this thread as reference we did a wire to wire hookup but it would not get any "heartbeats".

    My friend had originally just hooked this up before reading about the backwards socket and of course it did not work and at this point we were afraid the transmitter was now no good. I suggested we try reversing the tx and rec wires in the plug of the transmitter harness and it immediately started working.

    So going by the picture we attached the transmitter`s tx wire to the rec pin on the APM in the photo and vice versa. It really works well on M.P. in my friends laptop and equally well in D.P. on his Nexus 7 tablet.

    • I used the same Telemetry Module with my Quanum Nova and did not have to change the pin layout.


      Working like a charm

      • Wow that is more than odd, most have to switch the plug wires to get it to function with the backwards wired uART socket. Here is another description from another owner on RC groups forum posted yesterday with his picture after moving the pin wires to get his to work....Post 19442


        Quanum with Emily and Lilly Telemetry pin out

        Just installed Emily and Lilly telemetry to my nova. My flight controller came with the telemetry socket already soldered on. The black and red wires need to be switched the yellow is in the middle so no need to change. And the green needs to move to the other side of the yellow. The attached picture shows the correct pin out for working telemetry.
        • Found out something that apparently others before me have found out. You can get the telemetry working on the stock Flight Controller by the plug wire swap. Mine was working great, a few days later I decided to update the APM firmware and after doing so I lost the telemetry.

          Nothing I did could get it to work, so I went back to the original firmware and still could not get it back. Luckily for me I was having a problem with the copters transmitter out of the box and I had put in a complaint the day I got it, the on/off switch was faulty and intermittent.

          So I was able to get the copter replaced in it`s entirety and I started fresh with a new unit. I plugged in the telemetry and it fired right up. I will be keeping the original stock firmware in this one. 

          • Telemetry only works if you Nova is running on original Firmware 3.1.2

            • That was my experience and my friend with the Nova said he read on the HK forums of others that had the same thing happen. I like the telemetry and have no problem with the factory firmware so I`m leaving it stock.

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