"That was my experience and my friend with the Nova said he read on the HK forums of others that had the same thing happen. I like the telemetry and have no problem with the factory firmware so I`m leaving it stock."
"Here is my quad with the telemetry and FPV setup, I`m using clone Phantom 9 1/2in props
I got a first edition 2012 Nexus 7 tablet 16gb for $65 off cowboom, it works great.…"
"Found out something that apparently others before me have found out. You can get the telemetry working on the stock Flight Controller by the plug wire swap. Mine was working great, a few days later I decided to update the APM firmware and after…"
"Wow that is more than odd, most have to switch the plug wires to get it to function with the backwards wired uART socket. Here is another description from another owner on RC groups forum posted yesterday with his picture after moving the pin wires…"
"We finally got the telemetry working on my friend`s new Quanum Nova/CX-20. The uART socket on the APM board was indeed wired backwards to the plug that came on the Neewer transmitter that came in the 200mw package bought from Emily&Lily on ebay.