
I was wondering if maybe you guys could show me a good platform for an easy and cheap plane. I want it to carry a camera and fly to the end of my street and back. The flight would be no longer than 30 seconds or a minute. Just a plane that doesnt need to do to much. Fly a striaght line and turn around, fly the same line back and i land.



I'm a noob on a budget :) (are'nt we all?)





Thanks for any imput,


C/AB Austin Stewart


Parker Cadet Squadron

Under Command of Karren Clonts

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  • Moderator
    You know this might sound silly, but if the mission is to photograph your street a kite might be in order, I have had a lot of fun with kite aerial photography, KAP, you need to make a picavet which is a string and wood contraption and you will be away.

    Don't do this if your street is covered in power wires!

    Mucho cheaper than RC, for the same result, although theres nothing wrong with getting into RC flying, have a look at FMS, flying model simulator its a free sim for RC planes.

    Make sure you practice in a sports field a few times before you try your street, the neighbours might not be happy otherwise.

    Oh another perhaps silly way, use a pole, you will be amazed at the difference putting a camera a few feet up can make.

    I think here we tend to look for the most complicated and often expensive way of solving simple tasks!! Less is more.

    Have fun

  • Easy Star!
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