Question about Accel Calibration

Hi all.  I don't have much experience (yet) with the APM 2.5.  I have flown my delta wing with the APM 2.5 a long time ago for a total of 2 flights.  Worked great.  I recently installed it on my SkySurfer plane.  I am trying to set the level orientation of the plane as part of the setup in "Accel Calibration" menu.  I did both the 3 axis and 1 axis calibration.  I cannot get the attitude in the HUD to sit level with the horizon at all.  I have tried numerous calibrations.  Am I doing something wrong?  I attached pictures.  What you see in the HUD screenshot is where it sits exactly after every cal.  Thank you for your time!




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  • Developer

    If you're using the 3-axis accel calibration then it should capture what is level as part of the first step when it asks that the copter be put level.  If there's a bug there then we should fix it but in the short-term you can likely correct it by changing the AHRS_TRIM_X and AHRS_TRIM_Y values.  They are angles in radians.  I think kif you set the Y to zero it'll be pretty close to level.

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