question about ArduPilot

Hi there,


I intend to use an Ardupilot with IR thermopiles (full XYZ solution) and Ardushield on a glow-engine flying wing.


I have 2 high torque metallic servos controlling the elevons on the flying wing and 1 standard servo controlling the throttle.

I am also using a Lipoly battery (3s) and a 5 Volt BEC powering the RC receiver, servos and the Ardupilot. I know that the servos get the power through the Ardupilot board.

Due to the fact that I'm using metallic high torque servos for the elevons (as described above) should I expect any problems with the Ardupilot?

Are there any potential problems due to higher than usual current draw generated by high torque servos?




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  • Developer

    Attach the BEC to the 4th servo connection on the AP board and there should be no issue if the current the servos are pulling is not so high as to heat the power and ground traces on the ardupilot board in the area of the servo connectors.  Their thickness is not readily apparent looking at my board with the headers soldered on, but you can look at the Eagle file to see their dimensions.  


    If in doubt you can always wire up an external power bus.

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