Question about barometer

Hello to everybody

I have 2 multi copters,  one its a 450 with apm 2.8 and 3.2.1 that i own 1 year,  and the second one is a hexa with pixhawk

I have made my first flight with my hexa and its awesome, pos hold rock solid , change from one flight mode to another very smooth ....IN ONE WORD AWESOME

The question i want to make is (i dont know if its a common problem) that pixhawk barometer dont stay at it place, what i mean is that i have my copter on a table and i have see the barometer reach 5 meters.....sometines stays at 0.50 cm

The same thing it did it at my first flight , before i take off it reach 2 meters when it was still at the ground.

I have see that at apm 2.8 sometimes my barometer reach about 1 meter before i even take off BUT when i arm the copter the barometer erase the meters and goes at zero 0

At pixhawk i havent see this thing happening to erase the previous altitude after arming the copter

Do i have to enable something to do this? 

I also have to say that when my copter was at 8 meters high i press the land mode and when the copter reach the ground it dident pop up but it landed very smooth and it shut the engines off by it self as it has to do ( but the tellemetry show me that the copter was at alltitude 1.7 meter high)

I m sorry if i dont write good english but my brain thinking greek

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