Question on frequency interference for video

Howdy Yall,  I am using 2.4ghz for my control radio and I purchased the 3dr 915 MHz for my radio modem.  Now I am working on the video transmission component.  

I currently  have a cheap 100mw 1.3 ghz unit but I absolutely hate the receiver I have.  It is a manual tuning pot that is easily knocked out of tune with the camera.

I know I can use 1000mw under the FCC regs as they currently are.  The question is what frequency range would give me the most bang for my buck.  a 900 mhz video signal drown out my telemetry?  Should I stick with 1.3 Ghz or move to 5.8Ghz.  I would like the longer wavelength of 900mhz as it travels farther with less power not to mention that it is less susceptible to natural interference like leaves branches dirty looks etc.  

I can get 900 and 5.8 radios and cameras pretty cheap.  

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  • Developer

    I have a 200mw 5.8ghz set with IBCrazy antenna set works well. I think I.3ghz tx may cause GPS issues.

    I use EagleEyes Diversity too.

    You might get 910ghz to work, try this, turn on video tx before 3DR radio, so 3DR selects open channels outside video tx band.

    I prefer to use a better video rx set and quality antenna vs high power tx on sUAS to save power.

  • Moderator
    Very informative, thanks Vernon. I have some range issues with a 0.9-1.3GHz video Tx/Rx and my 2.4GHz RC system (Hitec) where I lose RC at distances further than about 800m with the video running. Would this type of filter help me too?
  • Vernon,

    Wow!!  yes !   I put the video system on its own power source.  It is as clean as when the motors are not running.  Tomorrow I will do a distance test on the ground with things running... but I bet it will be awesome!!  Thank you so much for taking the time to help.

    I power my apm2 and my radio receiver off a shielded 3 amp BEC.  I'm currently using this one  ....  It is connected to the same battery source as my ESC's which are plugged into the APM2.  I do not have the jumper (j1) installed on the APM2.

    Does this sound like a ground loop?

    I think the BEC is filtering my APM right?  Your sentence scares me, "you could be losing the RC link too and just don't know it yet".  I want to find out before it causes problems... :)

    You said, "I would place an inductor (say 100mH) in series on the positive lead and a cap in parallel to the ~12 V feed you are sending to the video setup (camera, OSD, and video TX).  

    Your talking the setup as in the attached dwg...yes? Is this what you are calling full strength filtering?

    Do you know any good online source to purchase the 100mH inductor and the cap?  


    Thanks again Vernon for your time :)




  • Thanks for the input guys.  I have decided on a 5.8Ghz system as I am only operating a quad/heli in rural missouri where there is no internet let alone 802.11n AP's  I am shooting for a range of 500m.  Ill be adding decent antennas to the TX and RX. 

  • Just read some of the 5G posts here.  Terrible range and extreme interference problems.

    The 1.2g video TX/RX I have has quite a range of frequency output.  I use something like this...

    It lists the frequencies as...


    With the larger channel number TXes you get quite a large frequency range.  IMHO this is by far best type of setup since you get the best range using a better frequency band and still have lots of channels you can use to minimize interference.

    • Jake, are you running 1.2ghz video gear and 900mhz or 433mhz telemetry gear? If 900mhz - is it working, and what type of rang do you get? I am thinking of the same setup and am worried about interference?

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