Hi all! (:
I currently able to test the XY and Z sensor accurately outdoor.
I am currently testing the sensors using

This is how I mount the sensors together with the AP on this piece of foam.

And to get accurate values with accurate degrees of tilt,

I built a simple wooden structure

The above wooden structure has a protractor drawn on for better degree tilting.

Now, the testing is done and I have to mount the sensors onto my plane.

I have 2 choices: Either I mount the hardware onto my plane and fly.

                         Or build a bigger structure to mount the whole plane.

Sad to say, I can't fly a rc plane.

During my first flight, I damaged the plane severely.

That is why I did not dare to try flying anymore. But I will be buying the same model plane for my final review.

Hence I got no choice but to choose the second objective, which is the building a structure to mount the whole plane on.

As from the wooden above, it can only turn in 1 direction, example roll only or pitch only. During my testing, To test both directions, I have to dismantle the foam and get it mounted again in a different direction.

So, I need some suggestions on how to make a structure that is able to do pitch and roll at the same time. Something like a transmitter, which can control the elevator and aileron together.

I was thinking of making with a ball bearing on a pole, fixed into a hole and maybe someone holding onto the pole during the testing. But this doesn't seem to be professional. ( I know being professional, I should fly the plane. But I tried! )

So, I wish to have some suggestions and comments.. Thanks!

Darren Here!

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