Quick question regarding the APMega and Oilpan shield combination - can't see it clearly in the circuit diagrams.
Can power the combination with the usb connector for low current use such as programming without servos connected.
Can power from the board edge connectors with a 5v battery or ESC BEC.
Are there protections onboard for connecting the USB cable along with servos and a battery connected to prevent excessive current on the USB port?
What is the hardware fuse actually doing?
Wow. Just came across this thread. I have been, so fa connecting my ArduPilot Mega to the USB AND also connecting the BEC simultaneously. Had been doing this because the USB does not power the servos/RX and since I had no telemetry, I wanted to debug things on the computer thorugh USB.
Not sure if I have already damaged something, but i figure I should not connect both power sources again ? and IF i do, then i need to hack the USB cable and remove the power from it ?
Thanks for confirming. If this is the case, i think its very important to know !
IMPORTANT WARNING!!! When you plug in the USB either disconnect your ESCs and motors or make sure your LiPo power battery is also connected. Otherwise you will blow your outputs.
I think this only applies to Quads, but sounds like good practice, unless you have a modification that will prevent this.
Please post the results of your USB cable mod, if you do it. Thanks.