
Quick Questions

I had two terrific flights yesterday and after doing some examination of the logs, I have the following questions:

  1. Is there a way to read the current time as the APM have it? The value on the top right of the Flight Data screen is PC system time.
  2. Since a recent version, the speech function provides a lot of information about command ids etc, in stead of just the old "Mode changed to Auto" etc. Is there a way to turn the extras off? It takes some time to iterate through it.
  3. I'm unable to locate the GPX file after downloading the logs via the planner. I have .log, .tlog and .kmz, no .gpx files.
  4. After running 2 distinct missions, with power-down in between, I was only left with one log file when I came home, expecting two. Did I run out of log file? Perhaps the kmz file was not generated properly from the log file? I only connected through the XBees.
  5. The voice on my PC is a very unclear male voice, but on my laptop is a very clear female voice. Where do I set this? In Windows (7)?

I'm attaching my kmz file and log file.

Many thanks!


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  • Developer

    1. i will need to look into this, the tlog should work ok. the logs not so well.

    2. im going to turn this off, as your the seconds person to comment on it.

    3. update the planner.

    4. i cant realy say on this one.

    5. its in the control panel,


    as for the crash, can i get a screen shot or similar?

  • 3D Robotics

    Re: #5. It's in the Windows Ease of Access center. 


  • 100KM

    Update: scrap #3, version 1.1.9 does the GPX export. Awesome to have this software updated so frequently.

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