New to this forum, been tinkering with hexapod and arduino project for a while and now looking to build an ArduCopter on a minimal (rather than shoes string) budget, using what kit i already have with anything i 'definitely' require.
So, first question: will a Spektrum DX6i suffice for an ArduCopter project?
Second question: Electronics parts list, could someone confirm i have everything required (aside from various connectors, header pins etc)?
7.4v lipoly (already have)
Spektrum DX6i + receiver (already have)
Lipoly Alarm (already have)
4 x brushless outrunners (ordered)
4 x 18A turnigy esc (ordered)
1 x arduPilot Mega (ordered)
1 x ArduPilot Mega IMU Shield/OilPan (trying to find someone with stock)
1 x MediaTek MT3329 GPS module (pending order)
1 x HMC5843 magnometer (pending order)
2 x Xbee modules (pending)
1 x adafruit xbee adaptor board (ordered)
1 x Sparkfun USB adaptor board (ordered)
1 x FTDI cable (ordered)
Thanks in advance for help/comments and look forward to building my ArduCopter
ps: nice touch having a newbie section.
If you can afford the DX7 it will be easier to work with for Arudpilot mode control than the DX6i since it has a three postion flap switch. Also it has a bigger model memory than the DX6i.