Rate Imax


can somebody explain me more detailed the Imax Values?

Well the AC2 Tuning guide says it is the maximum amount of Rate_I  can build up.

But why should i limit it for Rate?

Flying in Acro mode i need in (my opinion) relative high i and imax Rate Value.

For my 330 Quad Ptich and Roll Values:

RateP = 0.120

RateI = 0.300 (tried some higher but don´t see much difference - maybe some wobbles - - with lower values the Angle isn´t hold)

Rate IMAX = 90 (Tried higher values with no effect - with lower values the Angle isn´t hold)

I didn´t know this imax Rate value from a Mutliwii Controler?

Is there any reason keeping it low (like the default values) ?

I also read that i should keep I relativ low arround 0.1 - why?


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  • Hi,

    i alreadytried a higher P term (i started with i = 0). But it quickly starts oscilating.

    With windy weather i think i even have to lower Rate P

    With low Rate i and imax i can´t hold the angele in acro mode (and i really like flying in Acrommode ;-) )

    With low values it flies like a pendular or a swngboat when i don´t manual correct the angle...

    Thanky for your explanation. In theory i understand now why it could be usefull to limit the I-term with imax.

    But practical... i am not sure if i have any disadvanteges with my settings now . At the moment i am just trying acro and stablemode. Later i will use Nav and Loiter etc.

  • Classically, the I term is only used to close the steady-state error which is left behind from the P term.  The I-term can cause problems in some cases, where it builds up excessively, so an Imax is used to prevent that from happening.  Such an example is when the setpoint moves a great distance very fast, and the process response is limited.  I-term will build up, and will cause an overshoot.  Imax can prevent this.  In this case, Imax should only be big enough to allow the I-term to correct for steady-state error from the P-term.

    If you have to use a lot of I-term, then it might be the case that your P-term is too low.

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