RC transmitter calibration and throttle trim

At the end of the calibration procedure it tells you to make sure your sticks are centered and your throttle is down then hit the button.

My RC3_TRIM is now set to 1005, which doesn't seem right to me. Should I leave it how it is or manually change it to 1500?

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  • Developer

    Yes 1005 is fine.   usually 980 to 1020 in most situations.  You can adjust throttle trim control to change this value. but your almost perfect now.

  • Developer

    RC_3 is throttle, so down stick is off or 0% so 1000us seams OK. (nominal 1000us to 2000us) and

    (full range is 900us to 2100us) my failsafe goes to 933us with TX off.

    Do you want throttle to start at 1/2 power?

    We need to capture the full stick range, 0 to 100%

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