Hello, I'm looking to implement a simple code that only reads the data from different sensors integrated in my ArduPilot (APM 2.5.2), and I want to display it on the Arduino monitor.
I tried to compile the ArduPilot project, and I had so many errors
"# error ArduCopter ver3.3 and Higher is not supported on APM1, APM2 boards"
Hi Firdaous! I have a similar objective. I want to follow this blog https://ghowen.me/build-your-own-quadcopter-autopilot/ and write a controller for the quadcopter. As a starting point I tried to control a servo using sweep example and I was not able to compile it. Even the basic blink example is not compiling. Here is the error.
Blink.ino:10:21: fatal error: Arduino.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Any help would be really appreciated.
I discovered that my APM is broken! I hope this is not the case for you :(