Reboot? Or some other power problem.

I've been working on my quad for a while and while I believe I had a brown out. I was working on trims and had just swapped a bad battery, gave it some throttle and then things became unresponsive and so did mission planner. A few seconds later MP responded again and I was able to power the motors powered down. I was connected to my computer at the time and I'm looking at tlogs but unsure what to look for. If you could point me in the direction of what the graph items mean that would probably help. I've attached my last 4 tlog files if someone whats to take a look.

I have a APM 2.5, TBS Discovery, DT750 and 30A Mystery ESC. D8R Plus, UBlox GPS and 6A BEC powering the board.

Thanks so much.  


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  • Hey Dave, I'm using a borrowed APM2.5 and I had some problems with connectors that sounds similar.  It would randomly reset when the connector vibrated loose.  I'd check each connector and make sure none of them have any play in them.  If you find any that are loose, very gently bend the pins to snug em up.  Check the easy stuff first.


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