Received the ArduCopter Kit :)

I seem to be missing bag #2. I can speculate that this bag is only included if purchased through FahPah and would contain the APM. This kit was purchased through the DIYDrones store.Is there a full packing list documented somewhere?It all seems to be there, but I wanted to make sure before I started to assemble.I have to say WOW! how did they get all that stuff in such a small box?

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  • Moderator

    "I have to say WOW! how did they get all that stuff in such a small box?"

    That reaction seems to be par for the course- have fun!

  • I didn't receive my retail kit yet and this list I have might not be current with the shipped ones, but here it is:

    #1 Main Plates
    2 x Square main plate
    2 x Carrier plate

    #2 Arms
    4 x Arms

    #3 Power Distro
    1 x PDB
    6 x Ziptie 150mm, white
    4 x Ziptie 100mm, black
    1 + 1 14cm Black & Red silicon cable 12 AWG
    1 x 2 Pin R/B cable
    1 x 4 Pin W/O/O/O Cable
    1 x 40 pin 90° pin header
    4 x M3x12mm Hexa spacer F-M, Nylon
    4 x M3x6mm Screw, Nylon
    4 x M3 Nut, Nylon
    4 x Deans connector, Female

    #4 Battery Holder
    1 x Battery Holder
    4 x M3x10mm Hexa Spacer F-F, Nylon
    4 x M3x6mm Screw, Nylon

    #5 LG & Dome
    4 x LandingGear Fin
    4 x Dome Arch
    12 x M3x20mm Screw, PolyCarbonate
    12 x M3 Nut, PolyCarbonate

    #6 Dome Center
    1 x DomeCenter ring, upper
    2 x DomeCenter ring, lower
    2 x M3x20mm Screw, PolyCarbonate
    4 x M3 Nut, PolyCarbonate

    #7 MotorMount, upper
    4 x MotorMount upper

    #8 MotorMount, lower
    4 x MotorMount, lower
    8 x M3x25mm Screw, PolyCarbonate
    8 x M3 Nut, PolyCarbonate
    4 x M3x25mm Screw, Steel
    4 x M3 Spring washer, steel
    4 x M3 Washer, Nylon
    4 x LED Cover, FiberGlass
    4 x Rubber pad

    #9 General Pack
    1 x 6 Pin->1 pin Receiver cable
    1 x 2 pin - 2 pin Receiver power cable
    14 x Ziptie 100mm, white
    1 x Battery Strap
    4 x M3x20mm Screw, Steel
    4 x M3 Nut, Steel
    8 x M3x20mm Screw, Nylon
    3 x M3x10mm Screw, Nylon
    4 x M3x6mm Screw, Nylon
    3 x M3 Washer, Nylon
    8 x M3x25mm HexaSpacer, Nylon
    18 x M3 Nut, Nylon


    We are working on finishing the official documentation.  Hopefully it will be ready soon :)

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