Receiver Failsafe and Transmitter Issues

I recently set up the transmitter failsafe on my HEX.  In order to do this, and get it to kick in when the transmitter was turned off, I had to adjust the end points on my transmitter.

Yesterday I went to test my HEX, and when I plugged in the batteries I got the normal start up chimes, but then I got the dreaded continuous beeping.  I unplugged and tried it a few times, always the same result.

I then reset the end points on my transmitter for the throttle and the next time I plugged in the batteries all was good.

So now I cannot use my transmitter failsafe and I would really like to considering where we typically fly to shoot pics and videos.  It is strange, when I turn my transmitter off, the value actually goes up in the radio calibration tool and the failsafe screen in MP.

Does anyone have any ideas how I can still adjust my end points but keep the failsafe working?  I am using a Futaba 8 channel radio.

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  • So I have tried again a few times to get the failsafe to work, but each time I set the TX I am no longer able to arm the APM.  Perhaps I need to set the failsafe and then recalibrate my TX?  Anybody here have any ideas?  I would greatly appreciate any help as we have a long, relatively high video shoot in a week or so and I want to make sure that we are taking every precaution possible.

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