Reduce vibrations or change the sensors?

Hello all

       I am using adxl335 3-axis accelerometer and lpr5150al 2 axis gyro in IMU. This Imu is catching up vibrations, due to which i am not able to get stable pitch and raw values. IMU gives stable output at lower rpm of bl motor. (hextronik dt750 + 25A basic ESC). I have used rubber sheet to dampen vibrations ,however at higher rpm of motor it did not make much difference. I am still finding other ways to reduce vibrations. And to mention my IMU lands directly on aluminum quad frame with rubber sheet in between.  I have also noticed that the Gyro hardly responds to slow rotations.

I am little confused what to do. Should I try reduce the vibrations OR should I go for better sensors like ADXL345+itg3200?

Thank you

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  • Well what software are you using?

  • Haven't used either. What is the IMU? What software?

    What sensors are the vibrations affecting? Is it a gyro issue or an accelerometer issue?

    If you get a sense of the frequencies where the vibration is causing the most problems it may be possible to make some physical tweaks to change the frequency or software tweak to filter out the offending frequency band. Not that I've personally done this before, so I defer to the experts.

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