Reducing rudder deadband?

I just finished my first quadcopter build (some pics here: It's for aerial photography and videography, 85cm across motor to motor. It flies OK but one thing bothers my alot: the rudder deadband. It's huge! I have to move rudder stick awfully lot before the quad starts to turn. And when the turning starts it goes way too fast for doing smooth pannings. So, how can I reduce the deadband?

I read somewhere the deadband can be determined in the radio.pde file. There's different value for all the channels. But is there a way to do this without modifying and compiling the code?

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  • Distributor

    Wow nice Quad!  do you have a build log somewhere? 

  • Hi, if you are using the 2.0.50 firmware you cann find the dz value of channel 4 (RC4_DZ)  in the table on the config mission planner. 

    If you are using older firmware you will have to compile again changing the deadband value in the radio.pde (I think). 



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