"Hey, patrick can you share the code?
I'm interested on the result.
Patrick Poirier said:
Well I made it !!
TFMINI to I2C maxbotic emulation using an Arduino Pro Mini ...3$ at Bangood "
"Looking at the api from walabot, in one example i found:
// Walabot_SetArenaR - input parameters
double minInCm = 30;
double maxInCm = 200;
double resICm = 3;
"I'm using a 3cell pack in the front, and 2 3cells packs (one on each wing). I just added 21 gr on the tail to equilibrate. The cells on the wing are on the cg line, so they dont induce any unbalance.
I will make a photo tomorrow to show you what i…"
"Today i flew the plane on a 45km path, it took 1h20 minutes to complete. The Amps draw was around 3A mean value, a total of 4500mAh used out of a 8100mAh li ion (18650PF) pack. I stoped because the plane had no power to keep flying. I believe the li…"
"I just weighted the plane. It's 1100gr AUW. Today i did a 10k flight. Flying at 10m/s airspeed the draw is about1.5A to 2.5A except for the takeioff of course."
"As you can see, the pixhawk takes half the place on the cockpit, esc goes up front with the x8r receiver, 915 telemetry radio goes just next to the servos (i made a hole to pass the antenna). Airspeed sensor is on one wing away from the prop…"
"Hey, i'm using this calypso as platform with a pixhawk inside.
It flies great. I'm using a 3S2700 pack I made with panasonic li ion. I'm getting 2.5A current on cruise flight at 10m/s (airspeed).
It can fly at least 35 to 40 minutes with this…"
"Wow, it's been 2 years i do that but never thought someone would say it's the first fixed pitch....
Come on. Warthox did it first with multiwii and ultraesc moded. Then I did it with naze32 and simonk esc.
"Hi Jason and Co, I don't know if it's a problem but I got this when compiling with the latest 2.1.1 from git:
Compiling 'ArduCopter' for 'Arduino Mega 2560'ArduCopter.cpp.o : In function `test_imu'ArduCopter.cpp : out of range errorArduCopter.cpp :…"