
Guys new to all this...


finally got round to building this thing


I have the APM set with the IMU shield all standard as it says in the how to list (I even got a skyfun)


I'm sitting here testing and it was all going well


was able to get to CLI and setup radio and everything


then when I try to go into to the APM in normal mode I get this output


Init ArduPilotMega 1.0-BETA

freeRAM: 4017
Number of log files exceeds max.  Log 19 will be overwritten.
<startup_IMU_ground> Warming up ADC...
<startup_IMU_ground> Beginning IMU calibration; do not move plane
  <startup_IMU_ground> Calibration complete.
MSG: reset_control_switch0

I just posted an issue on the code base but one of you guys will probably be able to tell me without bothering the developers


any help much appreciated




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  • Hi,

    I get the same message and I'm not getting any values in Plane IMU. Any idea why this is so?

    Also is xbee compulsory to get IMU data? Isn't the serial connection with PC enough for that? I'm talking about HIL UAV simulation not real plane.
  • Developer



    Can you better describe your problem.  Your output looks normal.  The line "MSG: reset_control_switch0" is normal.  It is not telling you to reset a switch - it is telling you that the mode switch position has been checked and found to have changed.  This is because at startup there was no previous position known, so the first position seen is considered a change....



  • Did you found the solution after last update i have same problem :\
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