Reverse Servos

I am so frustrated:)


I got me new APM up and running, and started doing tests with Mission Planner. I have followed the WIKI set by set and am at the point of turning my radio on and testing servo response.


Radio controls servos in manual mode as expected, but when I switch to stabilize to confirm the servos work in the right direction, I see that the elevator is reversed.  If I tilt the APM in a "nose UP" direction, the elevator servo moves in the same direction as if I were to pull back on the transmitter stick. I would have expected the servo to move in the opposite direction as if had pulled back on the stick.


I have tried flipping the DIP switches, and setting SWITCH_ENABLE to 1 and couldnt get the servo to reverse. I also tried the MAVLink route, and still no go.  I am out of ideas on how to reverse the servos.

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  • Hmm, weird, rebooted my computer, and read/wrote config again, and seemed to fix the issue. 



    Thanks for everyone's support!

  • 3D Robotics
    That's weird. I've never seen anyone have this problem before. When you used the MAVLink method are you sure you set SWITCH_ENABLE to 0 and RC2_REV to -1 and wrote the parameters (reading them again to ensure they were recorded)?
  • The dip switch has always worked for me. Are you double sure youve properly flipped the right one? Could it be a bad switch??

    Good luck..

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