Over the weekend I did my first Balloon assisted flight. Helium balloon carried my glider up to 13,000ft, at that point i issued a remote cutdown command to release the balloon from the plane.…
GPS: 770000, 1, 10, 41.0994610, -92.4471590, 0.0000, 711.8800, 702.9700, 19.9400, 195.1000 How do I convert the timestamp? Is altitude in meters? Is that the 711 or 702? 19.9400: This speed? In mph?195.1000: Heading?
Can I trim the aluminum pitot tubes down in length? Maybe in half? How many bends in the rubber tubing can I have before it begins to effect the airspeed readings?
I am so frustrated:) I got me new APM up and running, and started doing tests with Mission Planner. I have followed the WIKI set by set and am at the point of turning my radio on and testing servo response. Radio controls servos in manual mode as…
Hello, I don't know if this is the best category to post this but I figured I should start somewhere. I have a recently purchased ArduPilot Mega w/ Airspeed and Magnetometer. I am installing this in a traditional glider with no motor. The goal is…
Hello, I am new to the DIY Drones group. I have spent some time getting myself acquainted with the basics of ArduPilot and hardware. I have some preliminary questions. I want to drop a glider (no motor) from a HotAir Balloon (about 5000ft) and I…