Reversing yaw correction direction?

Hello DIYD,

I have received my APM 2.5 yesterday, installed it in my hexacopter and loaded firmware (newest firmware via the mission planner).

The problem that I'm having is this:

The wiki states that the motors should spin in a certain direction (I'm running hexa +):

FRAMES_all_hexa_octa_y6.jpgSince I had MultiWii before on this copter, my motors are soldered to spin the exact opposite direction.

Is there a way to reverse the direction in which the APM corrects yaw? I would really like to avoid re-soldering 12 connections.



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  • Hi Jonathan,

    You can edit libraries/AP_Motors/AP_MotorsHexa.cpp , and compile your own firmware. Just switch all the "CW" and "CCW." Sorry if this is too late to be helpful!


  • Admin


    Some ESCs can be programmed to reverse the motor direction without having to rewire your motor connections.


    TCIII Admin

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