I made a new FPV Showreel:All shots are from multiwii/APM controlled Hexa/Quad and a Skywalker, shot on a GoPro Hero2.Comments are welcome!If you liked the video then please subscribe, more to come soon.
Specs of the copter are as follows:Frame designed by me and CNC'd from G10 (600mm MTM)Sunnysky V2216-11 (800Kv)Turnigy Plush 25a ESC'sGraupner 10*5 propellersParis V4.0 with an eBay IMU (L3G4200D+ADXL345+BMP085+HMC5883L) and MultiWiiCopter.com…
I finally got around to editing the footage I got at Caesarea Maritima:Specs of the copter are as follow:Frame designed by me and CNC'd from G10 (600mm MTM)Sunnysky V2216-11 (800Kv)Turnigy Plush 25a ESC'sParis V4.0 with an ebay IMU…
"Looking good!
You might need a prop stop when using a folding prop in a pusher configuration: http://www.fpvmanuals.com/prop-stop/
Also, why not embed all the electronics in the foam instead of making the "canopy"?"
Hello DIYD,I have received my APM 2.5 yesterday, installed it in my hexacopter and loaded firmware (newest firmware via the mission planner).The problem that I'm having is this:The wiki states that the motors should spin in a certain direction (I'm…
This video took a couple of months of planning and getting the appropriate permits.I'm quite happy with the outcome, Enjoy! Specs are as follow:Frame designed by me and CNC'd from G10 (600mm MTM)Sunnysky V2216-11 (800Kv)Turnigy Plush 25a ESC'sParis…