RFD900 and 3DR V2 compatible issue.

I have been using a RFD900 on the ground and several different 3DR 915 radios in the air for some time with no issues. I recently purchased a V2 radio set from ebay. It talks to all my 3DR radios but not to either of my two RFD900 radios. All have the same firmware (I reflashed to make sure). I have check the settings many times.Link to the V2 radio that I purchased: http://www.ebay.com/itm/331324740975?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT#ht_1492wt_1363V2 to old 3DR = goodV2 to V2 = goodRFD900 to old 3DR = goodRFD900 to V2 = NO GoodAnyone have an idea as to what’s going on? Has anyone seen other discussions on this problem?.

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  • Yes me too with the same modules.

    Still working on the problem here, but it would be good if the OP could elaborate on what he meant by airspeed too low.

    I'm not sure if he meant the V2 had an airspeed set below 64k or if he changed ALL his radios up to a higher airspeed data rate to get all working ?

  • I got it working. Airspeed was too low.
    • What's too low?

      My airspeed is set at 64, the default, and sure enough I can't get my rfd900 to sync with that v2 radio

    • Please, where can i find a detail guide in order to setup my RFD900 to V2. Actually, I have couple if RFD900 working together, but i am building a new UAV so i am thinking to use the RFD900 as ground station and V2 in air, for this units. But remain my current sepup for my old UAV. How much range do you get with your RFD900 to V2 configuration?...

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