Right Motor ESC warm when motors not running

I just finished assembling my ArduCopter kit and noticed that when the battery is plugged in but the copter is not flying that the right ESC gets hot while the other ESCs are cool to the touch. The motor feels like it is the same temperature as the others, although it seems like it doesn't want to spin as freely as the others do. Is this expected behavior? The ESC did not seem to get much warmer during flight although the copter didn't spend much time in the air since I am just learning to fly and not that good at it.


The ESCs are the jDrones 20A ESCs matched with the purple motors.

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  • I will go ahead and get one of these http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewItem.asp?idProduct=....
  • The ESC running *5 electronics can get uncomfortably warm (I measured 190 degrees after typical flight, other 3 much cooler).  A +5v  BEC is cheap and a better stable +5 volt source. I added one and everything is cool and stable now.
  • Thanks for the quick replies. It is the ESC that is powering the APM & receiver, so it sounds like this is normal and I won't worry too much about it.
  • I think its warmer because it is the one that is providing power to the radio receiver. As for the motor that dosnt spin as easy, it might have brake enabled. Depends on the make/model of the ESC. Im not familiar with jDrones esc's, check the documentation. I had the brake enabled on two of my BP20 ESC's and it effects flight because the motor/motors with brake enabled will slow quicker than the others when flying and make it surge to catch up.



  • Is this ESC the one that is powering the APM/receiver etc.? I've noticed that that one gets warm on my quad.
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