I have no Idea what the latest firmware version is loaded into my Arducopter by Mission Planner. Is it possible to show it somewhere in the APM Mission Planner? Not The Mission Planner version but the Arducopter firmware version. Neil
"Overvoltage sounds like you might have the charger set for 1 or 2 cells. On the other one, Undervoltage could be you drained the lipo too much, you never want to take them below 3.3 volts per cell. 3 is even ok. So for a 3 cell pack dont take it…"
"Ducted fans are made to be moving through the air all the time so the loads go down. In a quad they would be mostly static and working very hard. Most fans have a warning saying not to run static too long or you will damage them. Also they dont work…"
"Yes its most likely the one powering the APM and electronics. It should be fine but alot of people get a seperate BEC connected to the main power input from the battery and disconnect the red wire on the esc.
"I had this issue and found that the sonar sensor was catching the very edge of my battery pack. (it has a very wide beam) Moved the sonar sensor lower and it works perfect now.
"I am assuming you are using it for total curent and voltage? If so, AN0 gets a 3.9k resistor. Then connect gnd to gnd, A3 on APM to current on attopilot sensor, and A4 on APM to voltage on attopilot.
"Pluged the arduino into computer? Do you mean the ardupilot mega with the APM pluged into the top of it? If yes, did you load the firmware with the APM mission planner? If so did the lights blink while it was uploading the code?
"Odds are its a bad bullet connector. Try swaping a couple of the motors around and see what happens.
"Check to see if your quad is in balance. It could be you need to shift your battery a bit to get it as close as possible then use trims on your radio to fine tune if needed. I normally place my right middle finger under one arm at the tip and left…"
"I think its warmer because it is the one that is providing power to the radio receiver. As for the motor that dosnt spin as easy, it might have brake enabled. Depends on the make/model of the ESC. Im not familiar with jDrones esc's, check the…"
"I pretty sure simple mode says it always points in the same direction (direction quad was in at startup) for beginners so they dont have to worry about the yaw and can concentrate on just pitch and roll. Sounds like the quick 90 turn made it want to…"