I have noticed the arducopter online docs mention a number of RSSI based paramaters that are missing from my 3.3.3 arducopter build.

I have found that in the github they are nowhere to be found, but are included in the arduplane build.

Specifically I am talking about:


Am I missing something? Are the above settings deprecated? Will they be included in a future build?

I understand they are most likely purely cosmetic and for logging / mission planner output. But it would be nice to have them available.

I currently have my RSSI sent back via channel 8. And have 'custom coded' my minimosd to convert the values on channel 8 and display them on my OSD. This would all be a lot cleaner if the arducopter did the coversion for me and I could use the proper mavlink packets to display the data on my minimosd. With the added bonus of being able to look at my dataflash logs and see a % directly rather then having to 'in my head' convert the RC8 values to a %.

Any idea why those are missing / if they will ever be in arducopter?


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