
Runaway ArduPilot !!

NOTICE: I've had the wrong KMZ attached before... Now you should be able to see what exactly happened...


Just came back from a hectic evening!


I've plotted 4 waypoints, the last one was supposed to be a 5 x Loiter. The first round the plane didn't seem to hit the waypoints. I charged, reset and tried again, that's when it happened...


The plane started to loop further and further away until I was worried that I will not be able to see it properly to be able to control it! I sprinted after it (300 meters at least) and managed to get close enough to switch to manual and got it back by grace.


What went wrong? The log file indicates my flight plan in the proper location, and it's catastrophic 800 meter drift!


Please see attached kmz, log and .h file.


Please somebody, give me a clue!


Many thanks




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  • I remember when my skyfun did exactly the same thing but more circle work than your KMZ is showing. Although RTL worked flawlessy with a few minor tweaks of the PID's,  AUTO for some reason didn't (i actually ended up losing it completely)

    I've done the sensible thing now and done a full HIL simulation with my new hawk sky and adjusted PID's in that accordingly. Maybe try that if you haven't done that yet??

    Still haven't got it out in the field due to bad weather, but feeling alot more confident that things will go to plan this time...

    Your non level start up would only effect your stabilise mode and not so much AUTO mode (please someone correct me if im wrong) the way i level mine is i just use the box it came with and let the APM boot up in that whilst the plane is only being supported by the wings and elevator and the body "hangs" if that makes sense.

    Love the radian mate. I have the original and the pro and have had some really good thermal days with both...its a great glider.

  • 100KM

    I've posted the wrong kmz!! Please find the correct one here... now you can see why I was so alarmed! (And Exhausted...)


  • T3



    Is that a Eskom switching yard you were flying next to!? Also at 300 meters you should have no issue changing over to manual unless the 2.4mhz was saturated with interference.



  • 3D Robotics

    What aircraft are you using? Have you already tuned the PIDs for it in RTL mode? It sounds like you don't have nearly enough nav authority for your plane. The default settings are very conservative.

  • Moderator

    Well the power cables won't be helping things, maybe its Ysterplaat trying to have it for themselves

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