RX-7-SYNTH reciever

Hello, I have a rx-7-synth multiplex reciever and it doesn't work with my ardupilot mega.

I found that it can generate pwms in another way, it starts all pwm signals i one moment and ends each depends on value (1-2ms), not like other receivers that generates signals one after another.

Is there any way to modification a ppm encoder to works with this receiver?

I noticed that multiplex systems don't want to work with gaui 344 quadrocopter controller too.


I want to use this multiplex remote system because my spectrum have a glitches working next to xbee pro 900. 

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    I connected my mpx receiver to scope and I found the difference. In my spectrum every channel rise after fall of another. In this multiplex channels starts  rising in half of previous channel. 


    So I'm still waiting for some help, I dont know AVR programming enough to reprogram ppm encoder.


    And sorry for my english. 

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