RX8 radio callibration


I'm using a 3DR hexacopter frame and motors, APM2.5, Spektrum DX8 Tx and AR8000 Rx.

Managed to bind the Rx and Tx with instructions from the manual.

Found out that it has to be on airplane mode. (any1 ever flown a hexa on heli mode?)

So selected new model. "acro" and did the binding again.

I connected APM via USB, but i don't get any response on the radio calibration screen.

Pretty sure the binding went alright, saw the LED on the Rx go solid after binding, and when i switch on Tx,  i get a solid LED on the RX.  but when i move the sticks on TX, i don't see any green bars on the calibration screen. Searching for solutions, would appreciate any inputs


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  • Have confirmed that the receiver is working by connecting 1 motor to the throttle channel of the receiver. I move the sticks and the motor moves.

    The Rx is connected to the input pins on the APM according to the guidelines at http://copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/connecting-your-rc-input-and-motors/

    In addition, i have a + pin from channel 8 on APM input connected to + pin on gear channel of Rx.

    - pin on channel 8 APM input to - pin on gear channel on Rx .

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