Safety Switch Response Time

Does anyone know if the arming switch response time is a parameter that can be modified?

I know one must hold the button down for 2 seconds to arm the system (if set to arm this way). Also holding the switch/button for 2 seconds will disarm the system. For rovers this is not a practical implementation for safety reasons.

My large rover has a safety rated locking push button being integrated. The response time should be immediate once the button is pressed (a lot of damage can be done in 2 seconds). I would like to connect this button to the Pixhawk safety switch port.

Is it possible to reduce this response time down from 2 seconds through the parameter table?

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  • Hi Mike

    I agree on all points.

    I have a safety button that kills power to the motors. I would also like to connect this button in parallel to the pixhawk switch input in order to have the autopilot change state and signal the ground control station.

    2 seconds is far more than is needed for debounce. Though now that I think about it again, a 2 second delay to notify the ground control station isn't too bad.

  • I think you would be better off using your safety button directly on the power / motor circuit. If you're worried about safety, you want the least possible software involvement.

    Having the normal arming process take 2 seconds seems reasonable, but you're right that the kill should be instant.

    Without some big code mods, you will run into problems if you have a normal switch that arms or disarms instantaneously - you'll get bounce in the contacts that will have it going back and forth.

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