Selecting a Gimbal

Hello I have a 3DR Y6 and I am looking for a good gimbal for it.  First off I have looked for gimbals before but all of them were for the GoPro Hero 3 and I have the GoPro Hero 2.  Do they still make good quality gimbals for the Hero 2?

I would like a gimbal that has its own controller board and does not connect to the apm.  It would also be nice for it to be able to connect to my receiver so that I can control the angles from my transmitter.

Also is there much reason for me to buy a 3-axis gimbal vs a 2-axis gimbal?  I can always just rotate my Y6 in the air.

Thanks for any insight.

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  • So Tarot is a reliable brand?

    That looks like a nice gimbal but yeah it is for the Hero 3.

  • Most of the time a 2d axis is sufficient for the reason you give. Rather than rotate the gimbal simply rotate the copter.

  • try the tarot 2d gimbal. hobbyking has them for 135ish if i recall. pretty sweet plug in n it works. goodluckbuy have a cheap brushless 2 axis gimbal but sometimes it just doesnt work. My one sometimes just knocks and jumps and is not quite as stable. The motors also sometimes make an annoying high pitch noise.

    • I looked on their site and it seems that they only have the V2 which is for the Hero 3.

      I was thinking about getting this one:

      but it doesn't look like it connects to my receiver.

      That Tarot gimbal has lots of plugs on the board but would any work with a receiver to control the angles?

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