so in the title i mentioned the design im building is a semi vtol edf design from the concept art of the halo 5 wasp
so my plan since they dont make edf motors big enough or powerfull enough i will use multiple electric motors in a configuration to make a edf motor diameter of the blades would be 1 foot. so in total 8 motors for the main lift/ hovering edf motors 4 each for the 2 main edfs in the wing. questions being i need 50-100 static pounds of thrust,powerfull enough to lift a 50 pound design or more , prob pushing the weight limit and this weight would include everything onboard
first before this big design i plan on building a smaller plastic and foam version
does anyone get what im trying to do with this? do you think it would work?
Greg Fletcher said:
Hey, At first I thought you were crazy, but what you propose could be possible. There are edf systems big enough, with eight of them, to lift a 50 lb. craft.
look here
So here's the bad news. This thing is going to cost minimum $12000 to $15000 USD. I used an unrealistically optimistic battery weight as 2/3 of the craft's total. That battery will cost around $1200. You will be lucky to get ~4 to 5 min. flights. Projects always start out with total optimism and that is what I did with this quick analysis. So you may only get 2 to 3 min time.
edf's are optimized for speed, like in jets. Using them in static thrust, as in hovering, is the most extreme inefficiency, thus the short flight times. The good news is that the motors will probably not meltdown due to the ridiculously short flight time.
Are you doing this for a movie or do you just have too much money?
im wondering what kind of motors i can get that would work for that and the best kind of blades ive done some research but there is a lot any thoughts?
I would like to hear any and all thoughts