Sensor Development Stagnation

I hope I don't come across then wrong way w/ this question, but I am genuinely curious..

When I was in school in the mid 90's we worked w/ sonar and IR and various sensors doing collision avoidance (on little ground based robots).  Then I got jobs in IT instead of EE, and haven't thought about it since then... until I got in to this hobby. 

It seems like nothing has changed much since I was playing w/ this stuff back in 95.  The obstacle avoidance I see not only w/ arducopter, but also various videos from research projects and things on youtube seem to have all the same issues we did in 95. 

Are people not interested in that level of automation, or are there still physical limitations w/ the sensors?

I guess I'm just surprised that in 95 we thought it was cool to have little robots autonomously crawl through mazes and things, and today I see hobbyists and universities doing the exact same thing.

There have obviously been huge advances in other areas, like GPS and fight and miniaturization, etc.

Anyway, I don't mean to offend, and I'm not complaining or asking for features of anything.. just curious.

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  • Hi Scott,

    I agree with you. We see a big opportunity in this market space but I can tell you that this is very difficult technology to make accessible to consumers, even professional ones. We'll be showing off some cool new sensors at InterDrone in Las Vegas in September. You can see what we're working on here: LightWare

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