....252 Lat: -1 Lon: -1 Alt: 65535253 Lat: -1 Lon: -1 Alt: 65535254 Lat: -1 Lon: -1 Alt: 65535255 Lat: 10495 Lon: -256 Alt: 65535+++ASP:505,THH:0,RLL:60,PCH:-60,***+++ASP:623,THH:0,RLL:-51,PCH:-60,***and then it just stops, but it stops in a random spot each time.This is my hardware setup and I am using kermit on Ubuntu to receive serial data for testing.I am running in NEMA mode and#define FAKE_GPS_LOCK 1Where could the problem be?
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I am using the 2.3 code but I'm planning on updating to 2.31
Now I just need to get the rest of the HITL setup working.
It's almost working but I'm having a problem with my checksums matching and the serial port acting up is driving me crazy trying all day to debug it.
The board at the bottom of the image will be the serial GPS emulator that plugs into the shield.
The power is connected through the power and ground of the servo connector but I am having similar problems when connected next to the ftdi cable. but it seems to work a little better.
So I guess the problem is power related. It is weird that sometimes it continues right where it left off when I touch it.
I will try running it off a battery and a 7805 voltage regulator next.
So how is the Ardupilot communicating withe the GPS? Without the GPS, the Ardupilot will try to perform "fly by wire". However without and input on the CNTL input to the Ardupilot the board could be randomly bouncing between Manual and RTL/WP.
I suggest that you put a Servo Driver on the CNTL input so that you can control the Ardupilot mode and try hooking the GPS to the Ardupilot.
Just a thought.