I'min the testing phase of the project mounted (airframe tester) but I cannot give data for the characters that appear are not alphabetical (seemHEX). I believe that the compilationand upload Sketch (Init Ardupilot Airframe Tester 2.5.0) is correctbecause at the end the message "avrdude done. Thanks" and because too tochange the sketch can the AP board is runninganother routine by the servos and LEDs.
I've tried changing the WIN configuration of serial port for FTDI (tax,parity,data bit,flow bit,stop bit) 9600N8N1, 9600D8N1, 57600N8N1. By doing this, I noticed that the messages of the serial monitor changes to various other signals. can conclude that the error is in the transformation of binary code from the AP to the PC through the FTDI (I'm rigth ??I do'n). I have still the XBee adapter to connect to AP by Xbee, thereby testing the FTDI. But as the upload seems correct, I can not believe the default FTDI. I need help. thanks
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